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How Did the Change From Polytheism to Monotheism Change the Art and Architecture During This Time?

What led to the emergence of monotheism?

A person is silhouetted against the sun
(Paradigm credit: Tinnakorn Jorruang/EyeEm via Getty)

Over half the world practices Christianity, Islam or Judaism, according to Pew Research Eye. These religions are all monotheistic, involving the worship of one God. But according to scholars, our modern agreement of monotheism is a recent phenomenon — more than recent even than the religions it describes.

And then, how did monotheism emerge?

The respond is complicated. Monotheism didn't sally with Judaism, nor Christianity, nor Islam, according to scholars. It'southward a modern concept. And depending on how you ascertain it, it either emerged thousands of years before these major religions, or hundreds of years later on.

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At a surface level, many ancient religions wait polytheistic. Whether you're looking at Mesopotamia or aboriginal Egypt, Greece or Rome, the Kingdom of Aksum in northern Africa or aboriginal State of israel: all of these civilizations once worshipped many gods. The reality is a little more complicated, said Andrew Durdin, a religious historian at Florida Country University.

"When you lot expect across human history, the distinction betwixt polytheism and monotheism kind of falls apart," Durdin told Live Science.

Across cultures, pantheons, or groups of deities specific to a particular religion, were oft written well-nigh as expressions of the same divine entity, like to how Christians worship the Holy Trinity — the father, the son and the holy spirit — as unlike manifestations of God. For example, in the second millennium B.C., the aboriginal Mesopotamian epic poem, "Enuma Elish," calls the chief god Marduk by 50 names: the names of those gods subordinate to him. The implication is that these lower gods were really manifestations of one god: Marduk, wrote Jan Assman in the volume "Religions of the Ancient World: A Guide" (Belknap Printing of Harvard Academy Press, 2004).

This concept of divine unity wasn't unique to Mesopotamia; this same concept existed in aboriginal Hellenic republic, Egypt and Rome. In ancient Rome around the third century B.C., a philosophical grouping chosen the Stoics maintained that there was only one God, whose names only differed according to his or her function in the heavens and on Earth, Assman wrote. Increasing connectivity betwixt civilizations may have encouraged the belief in divine unity, Assman wrote. People drew connections between their ain gods and those of other societies. They began to see different gods and pantheons not in opposition to i another, but as expressions of the same concept. Some scholars compare the idea of divine unity to monotheism. Assman calls information technology "evolutionary monotheism"; Durdin calls information technology "philosophical monotheism." However, not all scholars of faith agree with this estimation.

Put another fashion, ancient people may accept viewed multiple gods from different cultures as all emanating from the same holy source.

It was in this context that religious movements began demanding exclusive worship of ane God. In the 14th century B.C., the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten established a cult devoted simply to the sun god, Aton. He closed temples and destroyed images of other gods. And some scholars believe it was up to a thousand years after that early Israelites began worshipping only one god: Yahweh, said Matthew Chalmers, a theorist of faith at Northwestern University in Illinois. It was a transition that took centuries, and it would be centuries more before the belief that simply i God exists became cemented in Judaism, Chalmers said.

It'south important to notation that these people didn't call up of themselves as monotheists or polytheists. "I don't think information technology was something aboriginal people were actually interested in," Chalmers told Live Science. These movements didn't deny the being of other gods. They merely demanded that people terminate worshipping them.

Similarly, early Christians didn't explicitly declare other gods nonexistent; they began referring to them every bit demons, Chalmers said. Proclamations that at that place was simply one God show up in portions of the Hebrew Bible written around the fifth century B.C. — however, sections written before in Jewish history fabricated no such claims, Chalmers said. And it wasn't until the 3rd and quaternary centuries A.D., that the concept of one God finally began appearing in Christian liturgy. Still, scholars disagree on the verbal timeline, he added. Islam was slightly a different story. The Quran, which was penned within decades of Islam's emergence in the seventh century, explicitly stated that there was only i God from the get-go, said Chad Haines, a historian of religion at Arizona Country Academy. That doesn't hateful that monotheism emerged with Islam, even so — this was a development that congenital on earlier religious traditions and continued to evolve over time.

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So what was so pregnant most these periods in history, when religions began out-right declaring that there was only ane God? It's impossible to elucidate crusade-and-effect. Simply at that place were a few significant changes. More people were writing downwards their ideas, especially elites, Chalmers said. Owning a religious text became a marking of social status. And states began throwing themselves behind specific religious movements. For example, in Rome's later days, the idea of one God appealed to emperor Constantine as a way to pull together the aging empire, Durdin said.

Still, it wasn't until 1660 that the term monotheism was first used, and decades later the term polytheism, Chalmers said. Later, the distinction was made every bit a way to help explain why some societies were "civilized" and others were "primitive."

"I don't think in that location is a transition to monotheism," Chalmers said. After all, not anybody even agrees that Christianity, the largest ostensible monotheistic religion, is monotheistic at all, he added — some Jewish and Muslim writers interpreted the Holy Trinity as three gods rather than one. Instead, the stardom between polytheism and monotheism is ane we've fabricated in retrospect to try and make sense of our own history.

"Information technology's a modernistic imposition," Haines said, "It allows us to map monotheism every bit a motility towards progress."

Originally published on Alive Science .

Isobel Whitcomb is a contributing writer for Live Science who covers the environment, animals and health. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, Fatherly, Atlas Obscura, Hakai Magazine and Scholastic'due south Science Earth Magazine. Isobel's roots are in science. She studied biological science at Scripps Higher in Claremont, California, while working in 2 unlike labs and completing a fellowship at Crater Lake National Park. She completed her principal's degree in journalism at NYU'due south Science, Health, and Environmental Reporting Program. She currently lives in Portland, Oregon.
